Welcome to Armada Antiques and Collectibles website.
Armada Antiques & Collectibles currently has a large Facebook online presence. We do list and sell a lot of items through our personal Facebook page “Alina Marchis (Armada Antiques)”. Feel free to follow us for great deals, updates and promos.
Since 2018 Armada Antiques in partnership with Gas Guy Garage (Eric Desrosiers) has been running weekly Facebook online auctions on Porcelain Sign Trader FB page under the brand name of New England Connection (please follow the QR code for Porcelain Sign Trader page to join it and look for our events, usually every Thursday 6pm EST).
Since 2022 Armada Antiques & Collectibles is also utilizing a great Facebook page (The Sign Exchange) for 24 hour format timed auctions). We are currently List & Run twice a week Wednesdays & Fridays. We can find details about it on our personal page or just join Sign Exchange for more info and updates.
We hope to see you all at our online events. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.